#13 Appointment of Uniformed Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP


Module #13


SEC. 5 of RA 9263 Appointment of Uniformed Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP

a. Fire/Jail Officer I to Senior Fire/Jail Officer IV. – Appointed  by the respective Regional Director for Fire Protection and Regional Director for Jail Management and Penology for the regional office uniformed personnel or by the respective Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau for the national headquarters office uniformed personnel, and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC);

b. Fire/Jail Inspector to Fire/Jail Superintendent. – Appointed by the respective Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau, as recommended by their immediate superiors, and attested by the CSC;

c. Fire/Jail Senior Superintendent. – Appointed by the Secretary of the DILG upon recommendation of the respective Chief of the Fire Bureau  and Chief of the Jail Bureau, with the proper attestation of the CSC; and

d. Fire/ Jail Chief Superintendent. To Fire/Jail Director.- Appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Secretary of the DILG, with the proper endorsement by the Chairman of the CSC.

No person shall be appointed as uniformed personnel of the BFP unless he/she possess the following minimum qualifications:

1) Municipal Fire Marshal. – Should have the rank of senior inspector, who must have finished at
least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twelve (12) units in a master's degree program
in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology or other related
discipline from recognized institution of learning, and must have satisfactory passed the necessary
training of career courses for such position as may be established by the Fire Bureau.

2) City Fire Marshal. - Should have the rank of chief of senior inspector, who must have finished at
least 2nd year Bachelor of Laws or 24 units in a master's degree program…..........

3) District Fire Marshal, Provincial Fire Marshal, Assistant Regional Director for
Administration, Assistant Regional Director for Operations and Regional Chief of Directorial
Staff- Should have the rank of superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a
holder of a master's degree….........

3) District Fire Marshal, Provincial Fire Marshal, Assistant Regional Director for
Administration, Assistant Regional Director for Operations and Regional Chief of Directorial
Staff- Should have the rank of superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a
holder of a master's degree….........

5) Deputy Chief for Administration of the Fire Bureau, Deputy Chief for Operations of the Fire Bureau and Chief Directorial Staff of the Fire Bureau.- Should have the rank of superintendent, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree….........

6) Chief of the Fire Bureau. –Should have the rank of director, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree….........

No person shall be appointed as uniformed personnel of the BFP unless he/she possess the following minimum qualifications:

1)  Municipal Jail Warden. – Should have the rank of chief inspector, who have finished at least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twelve (12) units in a master' degree program in management, public administration, public safety, criminology, penology,  sociology,  national security administration, defense studies, or other related disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have satisfactory passed the necessary training or career courses for such position as may be established by the Jail Bureau;

2)  City Jail Warden. – Should have the rank of chief inspector, who must have finished at least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twenty four (24) units in master's degree   program ……………… Provided, That in city jails with a population of one thousand (1,000) or more inmates, the city jail warden shall the rank and qualification of a district jail warden;

3)    District Jail Warden, Provincial Jail Administrator, Assistant Regional Director for Administration, Assistant Regional Director for Operations and Regional Chief of Directorial Staff. – Should have the rank of senior superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of  Laws or a holder of a master's degree………………

4)Regional Director for Jail Management and Penology and Director of the Directorate of the National Headquarters Office. – Should have the rank of senior superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master's degree………………

5) Deputy Chief for Administration of the Jail Bureau, Deputy Chief for Operations of the Jail Bureau and Chief of Directorial Staff of the Jail Bureau. – Should have the rank of senior superintendent, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's

6) Chief of the Jail Bureau. – Should have the rank of director, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree………………


Q1. What law prescribed the appointment of uniformed personnel to the BFP and BJMP?

Answer: The law that prescribed the appointment of uniformed personnel to the BFP and BJMP was  RA 9263. It is specifically stated under Section 5 of the said law. Qualifications standards of the BFP and BJMP key positions were indicated under Section 7 of the said law.


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