#17 Describing the Organization and Functions of PDEA


Lesson Objectives:

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the organization of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).

2. Simplify the functions of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).


-Serves as the implementing arm  of the Board, shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in RA 9165.

- Headed by a Director General with the rank of Undersecretary, who shall be responsible for the general administration and management of the Agency

-Appointed by the President of the Philippines

-He/she must possess adequate knowledge, training and experience in the field of dangerous drugs, and in any of the following fields: law enforcement, law, medicine, criminology, psychology or social work.

-The Director General of PDEA shall be assisted by two (2) deputies director general with the rank of Assistant Secretary; one for Operations and the other one for Administration.

-The two (2) deputies director general shall likewise be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Board.

-The two (2) deputies director general shall possess the same qualifications as those of the Director General of the PDEA.

Functions of PDEA

Powers and Duties of the PDEA. – The PDEA shall:

(a) Implement or cause the efficient and effective implementation of the national drug control strategy formulated by the Board thereby carrying out a national drug campaign program which shall include drug law enforcement, control and prevention campaign with the assistance of concerned government agencies;

(b) Undertake the enforcement of the provisions of Article II of this Act relative to the unlawful acts and penalties involving any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical and investigate all violators and other matters involved in the commission of any crime relative to the use, abuse or trafficking of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided for in this Act and the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1619;

(c) Administer oath, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of investigation involving the violations of this Act;

(d) Arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize or confiscate, the effects or proceeds of the crimes as provided by law and take custody thereof, for this purpose the prosecutors and enforcement agents are authorized to possess firearms, in accordance with existing laws;

(e) Take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals seized, confiscated or surrendered to any national, provincial or local law enforcement agency, if no longer needed for purposes of evidence in court;

(f) Establish forensic laboratories in each PNP office in every province and city in order to facilitate action on seize or confiscated drugs, thereby hastening its destruction without delay;

(g) Recommend to the DOJ the forfeiture of properties and other assets of persons and/or corporations found to be violating the provisions of this Act and in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Anti-Money-Laundering Act of 2001;

(h) Prepare for prosecution or cause the filing of appropriate criminal and civil cases for violation of all laws on dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, and other similar controlled substances, and assist, support and coordinate with other government agencies for the proper and effective prosecution of the same;

(i) Monitor and if warranted by circumstances, in coordination with the Philippine Postal Office and the Bureau of Customs, inspect all air cargo packages, parcels and mails in the central post office, which appear from the package and address itself to be a possible importation of dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals, through on-line or cyber shops via the internet or cyberspace;

(j) Conduct eradication programs to destroy wild or illegal growth of plants from which dangerous drugs may be extracted;

(k) Initiate and undertake the formation of a nationwide organization which shall coordinate and supervise all activities against drug abuse in every province, city, municipality and barangay with the active and direct participation of all such local government units and nongovernmental organizations, including the citizenry, subject to the provisions of previously formulated programs of action against dangerous drugs;

(l) Establish and maintain a national drug intelligence system in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, other government agencies/offices and local government units that will assist in its apprehension of big-time drug lords;

(m) Establish and maintain close coordination, cooperation and linkages with international drug control and administration agencies and organizations, and implement the applicable provisions of international conventions and agreements related to dangerous drugs to which the Philippines is a signatory;

(n) Create and maintain an efficient special enforcement unit to conduct an investigation, file charges and transmit evidence to the proper court, wherein members of the said unit shall possess suitable and adequate firearms for their protection in connection with the performance of their duties: Provided, That no previous special permit for such possession shall be required;

(o) Require all government and private hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists and other practitioners to submit a report to it, in coordination with the Board, about all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals which they have attended to for data and information purposes;

(p) Coordinate with the Board for the facilitation of the issuance of necessary guidelines, rules and regulations for the proper implementation of this Act;

(q) Initiate and undertake a national campaign for drug prevention and drug control programs, where it may enlist the assistance of any department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the government, including government-owned and or –controlled corporations, in the anti-illegal drugs drive, which may include the use of their respective personnel, facilities, and resources for a more resolute detection and investigation of drug-related crimes and prosecution of the drug traffickers; and

(r) Submit an annual and periodic reports to the Board as may be required from time to time, and perform such other functions as may be authorized or required under existing laws and as directed by the President himself/herself or as recommended by the congressional committees concerned.

Q1. What is the difference between Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA?

Answer: Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) that serves as policy-making and strategy-formulating body in the planning and formulation of  policies and programs on drug prevention and control. While PDEA serves as the implementing arm of the Board, and shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided under RA 9165.



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