#2 Tracing the Evolution of Policing in the Philippine Setting

 Module #2

Lesson title: Tracing the Evolution of Policing in the Philippine Setting

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Trace the evolution of policing in the Philippine setting.

2. Discuss the evolution of policing in the Philippine setting.

Introduction (2 mins)

How are you today? I hope you are doing well. Are you excited for today’s lesson? Good! Let’s get started. Our topic is entitled “Tracing the Evolution of Policing in the Philippine Setting” with the objectives that you will be able to trace the evolution of policing in the Philippine setting and discuss the evolution of policing in the Philippine setting.


Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Before we will discuss the different law enforcement agencies and its corresponding functions, let us know first the evolution of policing.

A. Pre-Spanish era

In the Philippines, the “cabeza de barangay” was the head and the leader of a group of settlers. The discipline and punishment, as well as the conduct of government were made by the Barangay Head. As the population increased, the “cabeza” had to appoint certain trustworthy people to protect their villages. These appointed people are the eyes and ears of the Barangay Head.

B. Policing System during the Spanish Regime

1. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

-The first organized police force (1712) and is known as mounted police. Its purpose is to carry out the regulations of the Spanish Government. The Carabineros are members of the Spanish militia or rifleman.

-Royal Decree of December 20, 1842 change its name into "Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad de Publica".

2. Guardrilleros

-By virtue of Royal Decree, January 8, 1836, the first rural police organization in each town was created.

-There functions were maintaining public security and order, patrolling in dark and unsafe places, guarding the tribunal of municipal building and prison houses.

-It was composed of 5% of the able bodied male inhabitants of each town.

3. Guardia Civil

-It was created by virtue of Royal Decree, February 12, 1852.

-The purpose of its creation was to relieve the Spanish militia in its policing functions.

-It was composed of Filipinos under the command of Alcalde (Governor)

C. American Occupation:

1. Insular Constabulary

The Philippine Commission organized the insular police force through Act. NO. 175 on July 18, 1901. They were tasked to preserved peace, keeping order and enforcing laws.

2. Manila Police Department

By virtue of Act No. 183 of the second Philippine Commission the Manila Police Department was organized on July 31, 1901 under the leadership of Capt. George Curry as its first Chief of Police.

3. Philippine Constabulary (PC)

It was organized on October 3, 1901 by virtue of Act # 255. Majority of the personnel were Filipinos under the supervision of American Officers headed by Capt. Henry T. Allen being the first Chief of PC. The Constabulary was the National Police Institution for preserving the peace, keeping order and enforcing the law as provided under Section 825 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1917.

4. Bureau of Investigation

Act No. 181, November 1938, created the Bureau of Investigation, the modification of Division of Investigation (DI) from the DOJ. On June 19, 1947, RA 157 was enacted which created the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

D. Japanese Occupation:


Japanese Military Police, held responsible in maintaining peace and order in Manila and adjacent areas until Gen. Douglas McArthur returned on Feb. 7, 1945.

Manila Police Department was renamed Metropolitan Constabulary under the supervision of the Bureau of Constabulary.


Q1. Is Philippine Constabulary (PC) still functional?

Answer: NO. Philippine Constabulary no longer exist. Therefore, it is no longer functional. Upon the enactment of RA 6975, Philippine Constabulary was dissolved. However, Commissioned Officers and enlisted personnel of the PC were absorbed in the PNP making it as the initial composition of the organization together with the former INP members, Members of the Inspection, Investigation and Intelligence Branch of the NAPOLCOM (IIIB) and civilian operatives of the CIS.

Q2. Is Philippine Constabulary (PC) the same with the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

Answer: NO. As to its creation, PC is created by virtue of Act No. 255 while PNP is created by RA 6975.

You did great for today! Please study in advance the Fundamental Theories and Concepts of Police Service and the Types of Organizational Structure. Thank you!


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