#7 PNP Appointment: its qualifications, status, appointing authorities over PNP, and the waivers for appointment.
Module #7 Lesson title: PNP Appointment: its qualifications, status, appointing authorities over PNP, and the waivers for an appointment. Lesson Objectives: At the end of this module, you should be able to: 1. Identify the general qualifications of appointment. 2. Distinguish the status of PNP appointment. A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW Introduction (2 mins) Hello! How are you? How do you find the previous lesson? It was exciting right? Indeed, very informative. Let us have a recap. Can you tell me what our previous topic was? Don’t worry! I’ll help you. ON the previous lesson, we talked about the PNP organizational structure, its composition, the key positions of the PNP and the rank classification. Let me pose a question. Can a senior high school graduate be eligible for appointment in the PNP regardless of its strand? What do you think? Is it a yes or a no? Why do you think so? Well, you will know that later. Do we have aspiring police officers here? Oh! There you are! Do you want to know...